Lee Congdon Website
Comments or Questions? Email Lee Congdon [congdolw@jmu.edu]
[Lee Congdon]
Twentieth-Century European Intellectual History
Index | Education | Professional Experience | Grants & Honors | Publications
Ph.D. (1973; Director: W. Bruce Lincoln), Modern European History, Russian History, and Philosophy, Northern Illinois University1968-1972
M.A. (1967), Modern European History, Northern Illinois University.1966-1967
Modern European History, Roosevelt University.1965-1966
Diploma, German (W. Germany), Goethe Institut (W. Germany).1963
East Central European History, Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies.1962
Diploma, Hungarian, U.S. Army Language School.1962-1963
B.A. (1961), History, Wheaton College.1958-1961
Lake Forest College.1957-1958
Diploma, Oak Park and River Forest High School1953-1957
Index | Education | Professional Experience | Grants & Honors | Publications
James Madison University
 Professor Emeritus of History2005-      
 Professor of History1983-2005
 Associate Professor of History1978-1983
 Assistant Professor of History1972-1978
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Editorial Assistant1965
U.S. Army
Army Security Agency1961-1964
Member, Advisory Board
Virginia Institute for Public Policy
Member, Board of Scholars
The H.L. Mencken Club
The World and I
Advisor to Book Review Editor1986-1991
Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia
Advisor to the Editor-in Chief, (Modern History of Western, Central, and Southern Europe)--1983 Edition; 1993 Edition1983,1993
Book Review Editor1980-1987
East Central Europe
Managing Editor (Hungary)1976-1979
Field Reader
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad and Faculty Research Abroad Programs (Soviet Union and East Europe/Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia)1978,1980,1982,1984, 1987,1988,1992,1994, 1995,1997,1999,2002, 2003,2004,2008,2009 
Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad and Foreign Curriculum Consultants Programs1983,1998
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada1983,1988,1990,1995, 1998 
International Research and Studies Program, U.S. Department of Education1985,1987,1990,1991 
Secretary's Discretionary Program--The "Three C's," U.S. Department of Education1985
Excellence in Education Program, U.S. Department of Education1986
Compensatory Education Program, U.S. Department of Education1986
Teacher-Scholar Program for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers, National Endowment for the Humanities1989,1990
The World and I Article Contest1989
Elementary and Secondary Education in the Humanities Program, National Endowment for the Humanities1991
Humanities Projects in Libraries and Archives, National Endowment for the Humanities1991
Foreign Periodicals Program, U.S. Department of Education1992; 1993
Conferences Program, National Endowment for the Humanities1993
Austrian Science Foundation (FWF)1996; 1997 (2); 1999; 2005; 2006 
National Resource Centers and Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships Programs, U.S. Department of Education2003; 2006; 2010; 2014
Book Award Contest, American Association for the Study of Hungarian History2003
Brooklyn College Press, Northern Illinois University Press, Princeton University Press, Southern Illinois University Press, Purdue University Press, Central European University Press, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Houghton Mifflin Company, Longman Publishers, West Publishing Company, Bedford/St. Martin's, Austrian History Yearbook, Canadian-American Review of Hungarian Studies, Critical Review, Journal of Contemporary History, East European Politics and Societies, Canadian Slavonic Papers, Tradition and Discovery, Contemporary European History, Journal of Modern History, Appraisal1980-2008
National Endowment for the Humanities
Member, Advisory Committee, Higher Education Panel1981
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
Member, Program Committee1986
Index | Education | Professional Experience | Grants & Honors | Publications
[Order of Merit] Order of Merit--Small Cross, Republic of Hungary1999
Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly2009
Summer Visitorship, School of Historical Studies, Insitute for Advanced Study, Princeton2007
Faculty Educational Leave (competitive), James Madison University2003
Recognized for 30 years of faculty service, Madison College/James Madison University2002
Edna T. Shaeffer Humanist Award1997
Faculty Educational Leave (competitive), James Madison University1995
Edna T. Shaeffer Distinguished Humanist Award1993
International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) Short-Term Travel Grant for travel to Hungary (to deliver lecture at the Centennial Memorial Conference on Michael Polanyi)1991
Faculty Research Summer Grant from James Madison University1991
Faculty Research Summer Grant from James Madison University1988
Faculty Education Leave (competitive), James Madison University1988
Madison Scholars Lecturer, James Madison University1985
Grant from the American Council of Learned Societies for travel to Yugoslavia and Hungary--to deliver lectures in Dubrovnik and Budapest1985
Faculty Research and Development Leave from James Madison University1985
Faculty Research Summer Grant from James Madison University1985
Faculty Development Award from James Madison University1985
International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) Travel Grant for Senior Scholars for travel to Hungary (to deliver lecture to faculty and students in Department of Philosophy, University of Budapest)1983
Grant-in-Aid from the American Council of Learned Societies1982
Visiting Member, School of Historical Studies, The Institute for Advanced Study--Princeton, New Jersey (NEH Fellow)1981-1982
Faculty Research Summer Grant from James Madison University1981
Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for participation in the Summer Seminar on "Theological Uses of History"--directed by Julian N. Hartt, Kenan Professor of Religious Studies, University of Virginia1980
Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad Award and International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) Grant for research in Hungary1977-1978
Faculty Outstanding Contribution Award, James Madison University1976
Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for participation in the Summer Seminar on "Other New Nations"--directed by Hans A. Schmitt, Professor of History, University of Virginia1976
Faculty Research Summer Grant from James Madison University (London)1975
Summer grant from the American Council of Learned Societies for research at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace--Stanford, California1973
Northern Illinois University Graduate School Fellowship1971-1972
Grant from the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) for research in Hungary1970-1971
Northern Illinois University Graduate School Fellowship1969-1970
Northern Illinois University Graduate School Fellowship1968-1969
Index | Education | Professional Experience | Grants & Honors | Publications

Title: The Young Lukacs
ISBN: 0807815381
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Publication Date: 05/01/1983
Binding: Hardcover, xiii, 235 pages
List Price: USD 39.95
* 1983 Book Award, American Association for the Study of Hungarian History
* "Distinguished Example of Book Design," Association of American University Presses Book and Jacket Show, 1984

[Young Lukacs]

Title: Exile and Social Thought:
Hungarian Intellectuals in Germany and Austria, 1919-1933

ISBN: 0691031592
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Publication Date: 05/01/1991
Binding: Hardcover, 392 pages
List Price: USD 62.80
* 1991 Book Award, American Association for the Study of Hungarian History
* Finalist, 1991 Austrian Cultural Institute's Book Prize Competition

[Exile and Social Thought]

Title: Seeing Red:
Hungarian Intellectuals in Exile & the Challenge of Communism

ISBN: 0875802834
Publisher: Northern Illinois University Press
Publication Date: 10/01/2001
Binding: Hardcover, 235 pages
List Price: USD 40.00

[Seeing Red]

Title: George Kennan: A Writing Life
ISBN10: 1933859717
ISBN13: 9781933859712
Publisher: ISI Books
Publication Date: 11/01/2008
Binding: Hardcover, 225 pages
List Price: USD 25.00

[A Writing Life]

Title: Baseball and Memory:
Winning, Losing, and the Remembrance of Things Past

ISBN10: 1587310635
ISBN13: 978-1587310638
Publisher: St. Augustine's Press
Publication Date: 5/20/2011
Binding: Jacketed Clothbound, 140 pages
List Price: USD 25.00

[Baseball and Memory]

Title: Legendary Sports Writers of the Golden Age
ISBN13: 978-1-4422-7751-9
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Publication Date: May 2017
Binding: Hardback, 170 pages
List Price: USD 35.00

[Legendary Sports Writers of the Golden Age]

Title: Solzhenitsyn:
The Historical-Spiritual Destinies of Russia and the West

ISBN13: 9780875807652
Publisher: Northern Illinois University Press
Publication Date: September 2017
Binding: Jacketed Clothbound, 169 pages
List Price: USD 39.00


Title: A magyar forradalom eszméi: Eltiprásuk és gyozelmük (1956-1999) (The Ideas of the Hungarian Revolution: Their Suppression and Triumph [1956-1999]) with Béla Király (Budapest: Atlanti Kutató és Kiadó Társulat-Alapítvány, 2001); English edition, The Ideas of the Hungarian Revolution: Suppressed and Victorious, 1956-1999
ISBN: 0880335173
Publisher: Boulder: Social Science Monographs, Atlantic Research and Publications, distributed by Columbia University Press
Publication Date: 3/15/2002
Binding: Hardcover, 352 pages
List Price: USD 47.50

[Ideas of the Hungarian Revolution Suppressed]

Title: 1956: The Hungarian Revolution and War for Independence
Edited By Lee Congdon, Béla Király, and Károly Nagy (Boulder: Social Science Monographs, Atlantic Research and Publications, distributed by Columbia University Press, 2006)
ISBN: 978-0-88033-598-0
East European Monographs, EEM #700
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Publication Date: January, 2006
Binding: Cloth, 792 pages
List Price: USD 60.00

[1956: The Hungarian Revolution]

The Opinions of Non-Hungarian Personalities on the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 (Budapest: ARP Atlanti Kutató és Kiadó Közalapitvány, 2006)

"The Making of a Hungarian Revolutionary: The Unpublished Diary of Béla Balázs," Journal of Contemporary History, VIII, 3 (1973), 57-74 
"Nietzsche, Heidegger, and History," Journal of European Studies, III, 3 (1973), 211-17 
"Endre Ady's Summons to National Regeneration in Hungary, 1900-1919," Slavic Review, XXXIII, 2 (1974), 302-22 (Honorable Mention, 1975 article award, American Association for the Study of Hungarian History) 
"The Unexpected Revolutionary: Lukács's Road to Marx," Survey, XX, 2/3 (1974), 176-205 
"The Moralist as Social Thinker: Oszkár Jászi in Hungary, 1900-1919" in Historians in Politics, ed. by Walter Laqueur and George L. Mosse, London: Sage Publications, 1974, pp. 273-313 
"History and Politics in Hungary: The Rehabilitation of Oszkár Jászi," East European Quarterly, IX, 3 (1975), 315-29 
"Michael Polanyi and the Treason of the Intellectuals," Canadian-American Review of Hungarian Studies, II, 2 (1975), 79-90 (slightly different version in The World and I, II, 8 [1987], 629-37; with an introduction to Polanyi's work, 608-609) 
"Karl Polanyi in Hungary, 1900-1919," Journal of Contemporary History, XI, 1 (1976), 167-83 (Awarded prize by the American Association for the Study of Hungarian History as best article on Hungarian history by a young historian, 1976-77) 
"Karl Mannheim as Philosopher," Journal of European Studies, VII, 1 (1977), 1-18 
"The Hungarian Pocahontas: Laura Polanyi Striker," The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, LXXXVI, 3 (1978), 275-80 
"Hungary in Crisis: Communism and the Intellectuals--1918," East European Quarterly, XIV, 2 (1980), 155-69 
"Lukács, Camus, and the Russian Terrorists," Continuity, No. 1 (1980), pp. 17-36 
"Szilasi Vilmos és a magyar kultúra" ("Wilhelm Szilasi and Hungarian Culture"), Filozófiai Figyelo, II, 3-4 (1980), 29-51 
"The Tragic Sense of Life: Lukács's The Soul and the Forms" in Austrian Philosophy: Studies and Texts, ed. by J.C. Nyíri, Munich: Philosophia Verlag, 1981, pp. 43-74 
"Trianon and the Emigre Intellectuals" in Total War and Peacemaking: A Case Study on Trianon, ed. by Béla K. Király, Peter Pastor, and Ivan Sanders, Brooklyn: Social Science Monographs, Brooklyn College Press, Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1982, pp. 391-406 
"Rethinking Marxism: The Hungarian Revolution and Western Intellectuals" in The First War Between Socialist States: The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and Its Impact, ed. by Béla K. Király, Barbara Lotze, and Nándor F. Dreisziger, Brooklyn: Social Science Monographs, Brooklyn College Press, Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1984, pp. 65-78 (introduction to primary sources that I selected and edited--pp. 79-198). (Revised version in A magyar forradalom eszméi: Eltiprásuk és gyozelmük, 1956-1999, ed. by Béla Király and Lee Congdon [Budapest: Atlanti Kutató és Kiadó Társulat-Alapítvány, 2001], pp. 97-105; english edition, The Ideas of the Hungarian Revolution: Suppressed and Victorious, 1956-1999, pp. 101-11) 
"Politika és apokalipszis" ("Politics and Apocalypse"), Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, XXIX, 1-2 (1985), 314-22 
"From 'Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein' to the Blum Theses" in Georg Lukács--Ersehnte Totalität, ed. by Gvozden Flego and Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, Bochum: Germinal Verlag, 1986, pp. 127-39 (slightly different version in Judith Marcus and Zoltán Tarr [eds.], Georg Lukács: Theory, Culture, and Politics, New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1989, pp. 169-79) 
"Lukács, Radványi és a Marxista Munkásiskola" ("Lukács, Radványi, and the Marxist Workers School") in Az élo Lukács (The Living Lukács), ed. by László Sziklai, Budapest: Kossuth Könyvkiadó, 1986, pp. 306-12 (German version in Lukács-Aktuell, ed. by László Sziklai, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1989, pp. 509-19 
"History and Class Consciousness," The World and I, II, 6 (1987), 549-61 
"Aurel Kolnai: In Defense of Christian Europe," The World and I, III, 9 (1988), 631-45 
"The Sovereignty of Society: Polanyi in Vienna" in The Life and Work of Karl Polanyi, ed. by Kari Polanyi-Levitt, Montréal: Black Rose Books, 1990, pp. 78-84 
"The Origins of [Michael] Polanyi's Neo-Liberalism," Polanyiana, II, 1-2 (1992), 99-105 
"Possessed: Imre Lakatos' Road to 1956," Contemporary European History, VI, 3 (1997), 279-94; reprinted in Intellectual Life and the First Crisis of State Socialism in East Central Europe, 1953-1956, ed. by György Péteri, Trondheim: Trondheim Studies on East European Cultures and Societies, 2001, pp. 31-46 (slightly different version under the title "Bun és büntetlenség: Az ismeretlen Lakatos Imre" ["Crime and Impunity: The Unknown Imre Lakatos"] Replika, No. 29 [1998], pp. 7-23) 
"Between Brothers: Karl and Michael Polanyi on Fascism and Communism," Tradition and Discovery, XXIV, 2 (1997-98), 7-13 (republished in Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, XIX, 1 [1997]) 
"The Evolution of a Conservative: Béla Menczer (1902-1983)," The Hungarian Quarterly, XL, 153 (1999), 100-109 (Hungarian version in Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, XLIII, 4-5-6 [1998], 551-63) 
"A történelem filozófiai használatai" ("The Philosophical Uses of History") in Filozófia az ezredfordulón (Philosophy at the Turn of the Millennium), ed. by Kristóf Nyíri, Budapest: Áron Kiadó, 2000, pp. 119-25 
"Budapest" in Central European Avant-Gardes: Exchange and Transformation, 1910-1930, ed. by Timothy O. Benson, Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2002, pp. 141-45 (German version in !AVANTGARDEN! in mitteleuropa 1910-1930: transformation und austausch, ed. by Dorothée Brill, Hubertus Gassner, Elisabet Kreische, and Stefan Voerkel, Leipzig: E.A. Seemann Verlag, 2002/2003, pp. 65-70) 
"Lakatos' Political Reawakening" in Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology and the Man, ed. by George Kampis, Ladislav Kvasz, and Michael Stöltzner, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 339-49 
"Arnold Hauser and the Retreat from Marxism" in Essays on Wittgenstein and Austrian Philosophy (in honour of J.C. Nyíri), ed. by Tamás Demeter, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004, pp. 41-61 
"Believing Unbelievers: Michael Polanyi and Arthur Koestler" in Emotion, Reason and Tradition: Essays on the Social, Political and Economic Thought of Michael Polanyi, ed. by Struan Jacobs and R.T. Allen, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005, pp. 21-39 
"Kolnai's Mature Political Philosophy" in Exploring the World of Human Practice: Readings in and about the Philosophy of Aurel Kolnai, ed. by Zoltán Balázs and Francis Dunlop, Budapest: Central European University Press, 2004, pp. 159-65 
"Koestler's Hungarian Identity," Pro Philosophia Füzetek, No. 43 (2005), pp. 121-26 
"Introduction," The Opinions of Non-Hungarian Personalities on the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, ed. by Lee Congdon (Budapest: ARP Atlanti Kutató és Kiadó Közalapitvány, 2006), pp. 6-7 
"Polanyi and the Sadness of Unbelief," Tradition and Discovery, XXXII, 3 (2005-2006), 12-14 
"Thirteen Days that Shook the World: The Hungarian Revolution and Foreign Intellectuals" in 1956: The Hungarian Revolution and War for Independence, ed. Lee Congdon, Béla K. Király, and Károly Nagy (Boulder: Social Science Monographs, Atlantic Research and Publications, distributed by Columbia University Press, 2006), pp. 568-78 (introduction to primary sources that I selected and edited) 
"Apotheosizing the Party: Lukács's Chvostismus und Dialektik," Studies in East European Thought, LIX, 4 (2007), 281-92 
"For Neoclassical Tragedy: György Lukács's Drama Book," Studies in East European Thought, LX, 1-2 (2008), 45-54
"Wars to End War" in The Great Purge: The Deformation of the American Conservative Movement, ed. By Paul E Gottfried and Richard B. Spencer (Arlington, VA: Washington Summit Publishers, 2015), pp. 143-77  
"Conservatism, Christianity, and the Revitalization of Europe," Modern Age, XLIX, 4 (2007), 490-97 
Academic Questions
"Anti-Anti-Communism," I, 3 (1988), 42-54 
American Conservative
"A Tale of Two Tyrants," V, 13 (2006), 29-30 (on June 1941: Hitler and Stalin by John Lukacs; exchange with John Lukacs, V, 14, [2006],2) 
"The Realist Kennan," V, 22 (2006), 21-23 
"Opium of the Intellectuals," VI, 16 (2007), 31-33 (on Comrades!: A History of World Communism by Robert Service) 
"Free World Colossus," VII, 18, (2008), 11-12  
"True Believer," IX, 2 (2010), 49-50 (on Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic by Michael Scammell) 
"Red Europe," XII, 1 (2013), 48-50 (on Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956 by Anne Applebaum) 
"Solzhenitsyn Wasn't Western," XIII, 5 (2014) 56-57 (on The Other Solzhenitsyn: Telling the Truth About a Misunderstood Writer and Thinker by Daniel J. Mahoney; exchange with Daniel J. Mahoney, XIII, 6 [2014], 4) 
Breeze (James Madison University)
"Would Socrates Be Convicted Today?," November 14, 1978, p. 12 
Budapesti Könyvszemle
"Galin Tihanov: The Master and the Slave. Lukács, Bakhtin and the Ideas of their time," XIII, 3 (2001), 286-89 (English version: "In the Time of Stalin," Budapest Review of Books, Vol. X, No. 3-4 (2000), 121-23)  
Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture
"Ryans's World," VI, 1 (1982), 8-10 (on Equality by William Ryan) 
"The Age of Criticism," VI, 2 (1982), 6-8 (on Political Pilgrims: Travels of Western Intellectuals to the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba, 1928-1978 by Paul Hollander) 
"The Villager's Voice," VI, 3 (1982), 10-13 (on Clifford Odets, American Playwright: The Years from 1906 to 1940 by Margaret Brenman-Gibson) 
"Noble Liberalism," VI, 4 (1982), 31-33 (on The Rise of the Gulag: Intellectual Origins of Leninism by Alain Besancon 
"After Midcentury," VI, 6 (1982), 6-8 (on The Space Between: Literature and Politics by Jay Cantor, and John Dos Passos: Politics and the Writer by Robert C. Rosen) 
"Of Communists and Marxists," VII, 1 (1983), 6-8 (on Which Side Were You On? The American Communist Party During the Second World War by Maurice Isserman, and The Truants: Adventures Among the Intellectuals by William Barrett) 
"Smoke Gets in Their Eyes," VII, 5 (1983), 8-10 (on A Better World: The Great Schism: Stalinism and the American Intellectuals by William L. O'Neill, and A Margin of Hope: An Intellectual Autobiography by Irving Howe) 
"Philosophy and Fashion," VII, 9 (1983), 4-5 
"Self-Indulgence Made Simple," VII, 12 (1983), 10, 12-14 (on America's Quest for the Ideal Self: Dissent and Fulfillment in the 60s and 70s by Peter Clecak) 
"The Victory of the Unvanquished Losers," VIII, 4 (1984), 6-8 (on The Passionate War: The Narrative History of the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 by Peter Wyden) 
"Ideologues in Search of a Faith," VIII, 10 (1984), 6-8 (on The Many Faces of Socialism: Comparative Sociology and Politics by Paul Hollander, and Marx's Social Critique of Culture by Louis Dupré; exchange with Louis Dupré, IX, 2 [1985], 29) 
"The Aesthetics of Hate," IX, 4 (1985), 13-15 (on Marxist Aesthetics: The Foundations Within Everyday Life for an Enlightened Consciousness by Pauline Johnson, and Aesthetic Theory by T. W. Adorno) 
"The Light From the East," IX, 6 (1985), 32 (on Marxism and Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from Lukacs to Habermas by Martin Jay) 
"Guns, Butter, and Guilt," X, 2 (1986), 10-12 (on German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler by Henry Ashby Turner Jr., Goering: The "Iron Man", by R. J. Overy, and To the Edge by Kay Heriot) 
"The Re-Possessed," X, 7 (1986), 31-34 (on The Pied Piper: Allard K. Lowenstein and the Liberal Dream by Richard Cummings, and In Defense of Liberal Democracy by Walter Berns; exchange with Richard Cummings and Will Morrisey, X, 11 (1986], 39-41) 
"The War Against the West," X, 9 (1986), 26-28 (on The Expansion of International Society edited by Hedley Bull and Adam Watson, and The Lawful Rights of Mankind: An Introduction to the International Legal Code of Human Rights by Paul Sieghart) 
"Caudillo and Generalissimo," XII, 10 (1988), 32-35 (on Franco: A Biography by J. P. Fusi, and The Franco Regime, 1936-1975 by Stanley G. Payne) 
"Roots of Radicalism," XIII, 6 (1989), 34-36 (on Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63 by Taylor Branch) 
"Neo-Alembics," XIV, 1 (1990), 41-42 (on The Other God That Failed: Hans Freyer and the Deradicalization of German Conservatism by Jerry Z. Muller; exchange with Jerry Z. Muller, XIV, 6 (1990], 4-5) 
"Freedom is Slavery," XVI, 7 (1992), 32-33 (on The Slaveholders' Dilemma: Freedom and Progress in Southern Conservative Thought, 1820-1860 by Eugene D. Genovese) 
"History as Personal Knowledge: John Lukacs and His Work," No. 3 (1981), pp. 63-75 
Crisis Magazine
"Kuehnelt-Leddihn and American Conservatism," http://www.crisismagazine.com/2012/kuehnelt-leddihn-and-american-conservatism. Posted March 26, 2012 
East European Politics and Societies
"Prague Spring and the Impulses of National Identity," XIV, 1 (2000), 203-10 (on The Prague Spring 1968: A National Security Archive Documents Reader edited by Jaromír Navrátil et al, and Prague Spring--Prague Fall: Blank Spots of 1968 by Miklós Kun) 
Four Quarters
"How to Play Chess in East Central Europe," I, 2 (1987), 15-25 
"The Persistence of Aristocracy," No. 61, December 24, 1997 (on The Social History of the Hungarian Intelligentsia, 1825-1914 by János Mazsu) 
"Converging Paths," No. 6, May 3, 2000 (on Political Memoirs by Aurel Kolnai; edited by Francesca Murphy) 
"How to Solve the Mystery of Hungarian Talent," November 2005 (on Hungarian Arts and Sciences 1848-2000; edited by Laszlo Somlyody and Nora Somlyody) 
"For a Soviet Austria" September 15, 2009 (on Out of Austria: The Austrian Centre in London in World War II by Marietta Bearman, Charmian Brinson, Richard Dove, Anthony Grenville, and Jennifer Taylor) 
"A Tale of Two Books" September 9, 2010 (on Soul and Form by György Lukács) 
Historically Speaking
"Missions: Remembering Hungary's 'Great Generation,'" IV, 1 (2002), 23-25 
History Matters (James Madison University Department of History)
"Adventures among the Hungarians," Fall, 2004, pp. 3, 7 
Hungarian P.E.N
"Modern Hungarian Poetry," No. 19 (1978), pp. 99-102 (on Modern Hungarian Poetry: An Anthology edited by Miklós Vajda) 
Hungarian Studies Review
"Ilona and Karl," XXIX, 1-2 (2002), 111-18 (on Humanity, Society and Commitment: On Karl Polanyi edited by Kenneth McRobbie, and Karl Polanyi in Vienna: The Contemporary Significance of "The Great Transformation", edited by Kenneth McRobbie and Kari Polanyi Levitt) 
"Society as Family: The Loyalties and Illusions of Laura Polanyi," XXXV, 1-2 (2008), 155-59 (on The Hungarian Pocahontas: The Life and Times of Laura Polanyi Stricker, 1882-1959 by Judith Szapor) 
"Beginning Again and Again: Hungarians in Exile," XXXVIII, 1-2 (2011), 143-46 (on Double Exile: Migration of Jewish-Hungarian Professionals through Germany to the United States, 1919-1945 by Tibor Frank, and The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World by Kati Marton) 
"J. Peters: 'A Loyal Party Functionary,'" XL, 1 (2013), 87-90 (on Red Conspirator: J. Peters and the American Communist Underground by Thomas Sakmyster) 
Intercollegiate Review
"The Passing of the American Century," XX, 2 (1984), 49-53 (on Outgrowing Democracy: A History of the United States in the Twentieth Century by John Lukacs; republished in Arguing Conservatism: Four Decades of the "Intercollegiate Review", ed. by Mark C. Henrie, Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2008, pp. 869-74) 
"The Marxist Chameleon," XXIII, 1 (1987), 15-24 
Jahrbuch der Internationalen Georg-Lukács-Gesellschaft
"Stages Along Life's Way," XII/XIII (2012/2013), 423-26 (on A fiatal Lukács: Útja Marxhoz: 1902-1918 ["The Young Lukács: His Road to Marx: 1902-1918"] by Ferenc L. Lendvai) 
Los Angeles Times
"A Red Star Setting," May 24, 1989, II, p. 7 
Lukács Archívum
"Living with Lukács." Írások Lukács György születésének 125. évfordulója (Writings for the 125th Anniversary of György Lukács's Birth). "Linkek." http://web.phil-inst.hu/lua/archivum/hu/125hudocs.html 
Modern Age
"Paul Hollander and the Anatomy of Discontent," XLIV, 3 (2002), 244-52 
"The Reactionary Loyalties of John Lukacs," XLV, 3 (2003), 232-42 
Paprika Politik
"George Kennan and Central Europe" http://www.paprikapolitik.com/2013/02/george-kennan-and-central-europe/ 
Partisan Review
"Young Man Lukács," LV, 1 (1988), 152-56 (on Georg Lukács: Selected Correspondence, 1902-1920 edited by Judith Marcus and Zoltán Tar) 
Rockford Papers
"William Gass, or the Literature of Hate," VIII, 3 (1983) 
"The Life and Thought of Aurel Kolnai," XLI, 5 (2004), 83-85 (on The Life and Thought of Aurel Kolnai by Francis Dunlop) 
"The Good War: A Cautionary Tale," posted June 09, 2008 (on Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World by Patrick J. Buchanan) 
University Bookman
"Toward a New Kind of History," XLIV, 2 (2006), 9-12 (on Remembered Past: John Lukacs on History, Historians, and Historical Knowledge: A Reader by John Lukacs; edited by Mark G. Malvasi and Jeffrey 0. Nelson) (The University Bookman on John Lukacs: Collected reviews and essays from the archives of the journal founded by Russell Kirk, ed. Gerald J. Russello. The Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal/The Educational Reviewer, Inc., 2014) 
"Lukacs and Kennan: Reflections on a Friendship," December 22, 2011 in Symposia.http://www.kirkcenter.org/index.php/bookman/article/lukacs-and-kennan-friendship (The University Bookman on John Lukacs: Collected reviews and essays from the archives of the journal founded by Russell Kirk, ed. Gerald J. Russello. The Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal/The Educational Reviewer, Inc., 2014) 
Virginia Viewpoint(Virginia Institute for Public Policy)
"The Age of Newspeak," No. 2002-11 (April 2002) 
"Culture War," No. 2005-5 (August 2005) 
World and I
"The Faith of a Marxist Heretic," I, 3 (1986), 421-31 (on The Future of Intellectuals and the Rise of the New Class and Against Fragmentation: The Origins of Marxism and the Sociology of Intellectuals by Alvin W. Gouldner) 
"Unscientific Postscript," I, 7 (1986), 458-63 (on Death of the Soul by William Barrett) 
"Ecce Homo," I, 10 (1986), 429-35 (on Jesus Through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture and The Vindication of Tradition by Jaroslav Pelikan) 
"It's How You Play the Game," II, 3 (1987), 408-12 (on The Morning After: American Successes and Excesses 1981-1986 by George F. Will) 
"Tom Stoppard's History of the World," II, 8 (1987), 407-13 (on The Theatre of Tom Stoppard by Anthony Jenkins) 
"The Darwinian Left," II, 12 (1987), 413-18 (on The Manufacture of Evil by Lionel Tiger) 
"Dissident," III, 4 (1988), 418-23 (on The Velvet Prison: Artists Under State Socialism by Miklós Haraszti) 
"Nostalgia and Historical Memory," III, 8 (1988), 418-23 (on John McGraw by Charles C. Alexander) 
"Fin de Siecle," IV, 1 (1989), 374-80 (on Budapest 1900: A Historical Portrait of a City and Its Culture by John Lukacs ) 
"Light from the East," IV, 9 (1989), 435-42 (on Conscience and Captivity: Religion in Eastern Europe by Janice Broun, with Grazyna Sikorska) 
"Of Time and the River," IV, 12 (1989), 424-30 (on Danube: A Journey through the Landscape, History and Culture of Central Europe by Claudio Magris) 
"An End to Ideology?," V, 9 (1990), 30-33 
"Dostoevsky, or Tolstoy?," VII, 10 (1992), 301-307 (on The Brothers K by David James Duncan) 
"An Absence of Grace," VIII, 4 (1993), 310-15 (on The Oracle at Stoneleigh Court: Stories by Peter Taylor)  
"Unbelieving Believer," IX, 2 (1994), 281-87 (on No Other Life by Brian Moore) 
"History and the Moral Imagination," IX, 7 (1994), 306-11 (on On Looking into the Abyss: Untimely Thoughts on Culture and Society by Gertrude Himmelfarb) 
"Master of the Heart," X, 2 (1995), 291-97 (on The Master of Petersburg by J. M. Coetzee) 
"Qualities without a Man," X, 6 (1995), 321-26 (on The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil) 
"Rom," XI, 4 (1996), 272-77 (on Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey by Isabel Fonseca) 
"The Alchemy of Time," XII, 12 (1997), 248-55 (on Dreams of My Russian Summers by Andrei Makine) 
"'Our Friend,'" XIII, 2 (1998), 264-68 (on Rasputin: The Saint Who Sinned by Brian Moynahan) 
"The Cost of Discipleship," XIII, 6 (1998), 247-54 (on Saints and Villains by Denise Giardina) 
"Bled Dry," XV, 9 (2000), 228-32 (on The Battle by Patrick Rambaud) 
"East or West?" XVI, 10 (2001), 225-29 (on Sunlight at Midnight: St. Petersburg and the Rise of Modern Russia by W. Bruce Lincoln) 
"Permanent Things," XVII, 6 (2002), 241-45 (on Pafko at the Wall: A Novella by Don DeLillo) 
"A Bourgeois Manqué," XVII, 7 (2002), 243-47 (on Embers by Sándor Márai) 
"The Greatest of These Is Love" XVII, 10 (2002), 228-32 (on Snobbery: The American Version by Joseph Epstein) 
"For the Life of the World" XVII, 12 (2002), 216-23 (on Dostoevsky: The Mantle of the Prophet, 1871-1881 by Joseph Frank) 
"In the Key of Freedom: The Achievement of Imre Kertész" XVIII, 3 (2003), 249-55 
"Eternal Albania" XVIII, 10 (2003), 220-25 (on Spring Flowers, Spring Frost by Ismail Kadare) 
"Cultural Literacy 401" XIX, 2 (2004), 215-19 (on The Tournament: A Novel of the 20th Century by John Clarke) 
"Ascent: The Spiritual Trajectory of Nikos Kazantzakis" XIX, 3 (2004), 239-47 
World and I (new series)
"The Ghost of Woodrow Wilson," II, 3 (2005), 84-86 (on The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror by Natan Sharansky, with Ron Dermer) 
American Historical Review
The Intellectual Development of Karl Mannheim: Culture Politics, and Planning by Colin Loader; XCI, 1 (1986), 100 
Georg Lukács and His Generation 1900-1918 by Mary Gluck; XCI, 4 (1986), 958 
Die Sozialdemokratische Partei und die Frage der deutschen Nationalität in Ungarn 1919-1945 by Loránt Tilkovszky; XCIX, 3 (1994), 941-42 
Die DDR-Geschichtswissenschaft auf dem Weg zur deutschen Einheit: Luther, Friedrich II und Bismarck als Paradigmen politischen Wandels by Jan Herman Brinks; C, 2 (1995), 546-47 
Liberal Professions and Illiberal Politics: Hungary from the Habsburgs to the Holocaust by Mária M. Kovács; CI, 3 (1996), 876 
The Nazis' Last Victims: The Holocaust in Hungary edited by Randolph L. Braham and Scott Miller, and The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion: Jews and Nationalism in Hungary by Vera Ranki; CV, 4 (2000), 1420-21 
Nationalism and the Crowd in Liberal Hungary, 1848-1914 by Alice Freifeld; CVII, 2 (2002), 656-57 
Schulalltag und nationale Integration in Ungarn: Slowaken, Rumänen und Siebenbürger Sachsen in der Auseinandersetzung mit der ungarischen Staatsidee, 1867-1914 by Joachim von Puttkamer; CIX, 2 (2004), 997-98 
Imre Nagy, Martyr of the Nation: Contested History, Legitimacy, and Popular Memory in Hungary by Karl P. Benziger; CXIV, 4 (2009), 1186-87 
Between States: The Transylvanian Question and the European Idea during World War II by Holly Case; CXVI, 3 (2011), 895-96 
Austrian History Yearbook
Hungarian Exiles and the Romanian National Movement 1849-1867 by Béla Borsi-Kálmán; XXVI (1995), 263-64 
Tobias Kärgling und Henriette Kärgling-Pacher. Leben und Werk einer Pester Malerfamilie im Vormärz und Biedermeier by Johanna Kolbe; XXVII (1996), 329-31 
Die Bewältigung der Mitte. Ernst Manheim: Soziologe und Anthropologe by Elisabeth Welzig; XXXI (2000), 214-15 
Lukács Reads Goethe: From Aestheticism to Stalinism by Nicholas Vazsonyi; XXXII (2001), 325-26 
Explosion: The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 by John P.C. Matthews; XLI (2010), 300-301 
Canadian-American Slavic Studies
"Wir Kämpften treu für die Revolution": Studien zur Geschichte der ungarischen sozialistischen Literatur edited by Miklós Szabolcsi, László Illés, and Farkas József; XIV, 4 (1980), 591-92 
Hungary After Two Revolutions (1919-1927) by Ferenc Pölöskei; XVI, 2 (1982), 299-300 
The Effects of World War I: The Uprooted: Hungarian Refugees and Their Impact on Hungary's Domestic Politics, 1918-21 by István I. Mócsy; XVIII, 4 (1984), 499-500 
Triumph in Adversity: Studies in Hungarian Civilization in Honor of Professor Ferenc Somogyi on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday edited by Steven Béla Várdy and Ágnes Huszár Várdy; XXV, 1-4 (1991), 419-20 
The Tragedy of Man by Imre Madách (translated by Thomas R. Mark); XXVII, 1-4 (1993), 362-64 
Hungary 1956--Forty Years On edited by Terry Cox; XXXIII, 2-4 (1999), 479-81 
A Testament of Revolution by Béla Lipták; XXXVIII, 3 (2004), 349-50 
Science, Ideology, and World View: Essays in the History of Evolutionary Ideas by John C. Greene; No. 6 (1983), p. 123 
The Origins of History by Herbert Butterfield; No. 6 (1983), p. 124 
Philadelphia: Patricians and Philistines, 1900-1950 by John Lukacs; No. 6 (1983), pp. 124-25 
Conservative Millenarians: The Romantic Experience in Bavaria by Paul Gottfried; No. 6 (1983), pp. 125-26 
The Cult of Violence: Sorel and the Sorelians by Jack J. Roth; No. 6 (1983), p. 127 
Redemption by War: The Intellectuals and 1914 by Roland N. Stromberg; No. 6 (1983), pp. 127-28 
Lenin: Life and Works by Gerda and Hermann Weber; No. 6 (1983), pp. 128-29 
The Government of the United Kingdom: Political Authority in a Changing Society by Max Beloff and Gillian Peele; No. 6 (1983), pp. 129-30 
In the Eye of the Storm: Kurt Riezler and the Crises of Modern Germany by Wayne C. Thompson; No. 6 (1983), pp. 130-31 
History of the Idea of Progress by Robert Nisbet; No. 6 (1983), pp. 131-32 
In War's Dark Shadow: The Russians Before the Great War by W. Bruce Lincoln; No. 7 (1983), p. 137 
Medieval Kingship by Henry A. Myers, in cooperation with Herwig Wolfram; No. 7 (1983), p. 138 
The Air-Line to Seattle: Studies in Literary and Historical Writing about America by Kenneth S. Lynn; No. 7 (1983), pp. 138-39 
Clio from the Right: Essays of a Conservative Historian by Edward S. Shapiro; No. 7 (1983), pp. 139-40 
Weimar Etudes by Henry Pachter; No. 7 (1983), pp. 140-41 
Tried as by Fire: Southern Baptists and the Religious Controversies of the 1920s by James J. Thompson, Jr; No. 7 (1983), pp. 141-42 
On History and Other Essays by Michael Oakeshott; No. 8 (1984), pp. 128-30 
Ludwig Wittgenstein by Kristóf Nyíri; No. 8 (1984), pp. 130-31 
Thomas Mann und Georg Lukács: Beziehung, Einfluss und "Repräsentative Gegensätzlichkeit" by Judith Marcus-Tar; No. 8 (1984), pp. 132-33 
Hungary 1956 Revisited: The Message of a Revolution--A Quarter of a Century After by Ferenc Fehér and Ágnes Heller; No. 8 (1984), pp. 133-35 
Jean-Jacques: The Early Life and Work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1754 by Maurice Cranston; No. 8 (1984), pp. 135-36 
The Eagle and the Small Birds: Crisis in the Soviet Empire: From Yalta to Solidarity by Michael Charlton; No. 10 (1985), pp. 182-83 
Excellence and Equity: The National Endowment for the Humanities by Stephen Miller; No. 10 (1985), pp. 184-85 
Ty Cobb by Charles C. Alexander; No. 11 (1987), pp. 98-100 
Summer of '49 by David Halberstam; No. 14 (1990), pp. 136-38 
Breaking with Communism: The Intellectual Odyssey of Bertram D. Wolfe edited by Robert Hessen; No. 15 (1991), pp. 129-31 
East Central Europe
A magyar polgári történetírás rövid története ("A Brief History of Hungarian Bourgeois Historiography") by Emma Lederer, and Hungarian Historiography and the Geistesgeschichte School by Steven Bela Vardy; II, 2 (1975), 214-15 (reprinted in the Canadian-American Review of Hungarian Studies, IV, 1 (1977), 104-106) 
Studies on the History of the Hungarian Trade-Union Movement edited by E. Kabos and A. Szilák; VII, 1 (1980), 122-23 
Dialektik in der lebenden Natur by Rózsa Varró; VIII, 1-2 (1981), 170-71 
History: Reviews of New Books
Modern Hungarian Historiography by Steven Bela Vardy; V, 3 (1977), 77 
Back to Kant: The Revival of Kantianism in German Social and Historical Thought, 1860-1914 by Thomas E. Willey; VII, 4 (1979), 86-87 
History as a Tool in Critical Interpretation: A Symposium edited by Thomas F. Rugh and Erin R. Silva; VIII, 1 (1979), 2 
Hungary, the Great Powers, and the Danubian Crisis, 1936-1939 by Thomas L. Sakmyster; IX, 2 (1980), 54 
Marx: Life and Works by Maximilien Rubel; IX, 8 (1981), 195-96 
A History of Socialism and Communism in Modern Times: Theorists, Activists, and Humanists by Warren Lerner; X, 8 (1982), 215 
The Polish Ordeal: The View from Within by Andrzej Szczypiorski; XI, 7 (1983), 158-59 
The Resistance in Austria, 1938-1945 by Radomir V. Luza; XIII, 1 (1984), 17-18 
The Peculiarities of German History: Bourgeois Society and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Germany by David Blackbourn and Geoff Eley; XIII, 4 (1985), 80-81 
The Rise & Decline of Western Liberalism by Anthony Arblaster; XIV, 2 (1985), 61-62 
Race Hygiene and National Efficiency: The Eugenics of Wilhelm Schallmayer by Sheila Faith Weiss; XVII, 2 (1989), 71-72 
The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth by Peter J. Bowler; XVIII, 2 (1990), 85-86 
Adolf Hitler: A Psychological Interpretation of His Views on Architecture Art and Music by Sherree Owens Zalampas; XX, 1 (1991), 36-37 
Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives by Alan Bullock; XXI, 1 (1992),41-42 
The Price of Freedom: A History of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present by Piotr S. Wandycz; XXII, 1 (1993), 37 
Enlightenment, Revolution, and Romanticism: The Genesis of Modern German Political Thought, 1790-1800 by Frederick C. Beiser; XXII, 3 (1994), 128 
The Frankfurt School: Its History, Theories, and Political Significance by Rolf Wiggershaus; XXIII, 2 (1995), 82 
Culture and Political Crisis in Vienna: Christian Socialism in Power, 1897-1918 by John W. Boyer; XXIV, 3 (1996), 126-27 
Society, Culture, and the State in Germany, 1870-1930 edited by Geoff Eley; XXV, 2 (1997), 77 
Exclusive Revolutionaries: Liberal Politics, Social Experience and National Identity in the Austrian Empire, 1848-1914 by Pieter M. Judson; XXVI, 1 (1997), 26-27 
Enlightenment, Passion, Modernity: Historical Essays in European Thought and Culture edited by Mark S. Micale and Robert L. Dietle; XXVIII, 4 (2000), 186-87 
The Unknown Max Weber by Paul Honigsheim; XXIX, 2 (2001), 71 
Poems in Steel: National Socialism and the Politics of Inventing from Weimar to Bonn by Kees Gispen; XXX, 3 (2002),114 
Pain and Prosperity: Reconsidering Twentieth-Century German History edited by Paul Betts and Greg Eghigian; XXXI, 4 (2003), 155 
The First Domino: International Decision Making during the Hungarian Crisis of 1956 by Johanna C. Granville; XXXII, 4 (2004), 147 
In Defense of Christian Hungary: Religion, Nationalism, and Antisemitism, 1890-1944 by Paul A. Hanebrink; XXXIV, 4 (2006), 127-28 
Hungary from the Nazis to the Soviets: The Establishment of the Communist Regime in Hungary, 1944-1948 by Peter Kenez; XXXV, 2 (2007), 70 
Journal of Modern History
The Mind of the Traveler: From Gilgamesh to Global Tourism by Eric J. Leed; LXV, 3 (1993), 582-84 
The Workers State: Industrial Labor and the Making of Socialist Hungary, 1944-1958 by Mark Pittaway; LXXXVI, 1 (2014), 223-25 
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
Jews & Gentiles: A Historical Sociology of Their Relations by Werner J. Cahnman (edited by Judith T. Marcus and Zoltan Tarr); XLI, 2 (2005), 185-86 
Social Issues, Geopolitics, and Judaica by Werner J. Cahnman (edited by Judith T. Marcus and Zoltan Tarr); XLV, 4 (2009), 389-90 
The Frankfurt School: The Critical Theories of Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno by Zoltán Tarr; XLVIII, 2 (2012), 182-83 
Los Angeles Times Book Review
"Homo Sovieticus," May 22, 1988, p. 17 (on Cogs in the Wheel by Mikhail Heller) 
Modern Age
"The Living Philosophy of Carl Schmitt," XXXV, 3 (1993), 231 33 (on Carl Schmitt: Politics and Theory by Paul Edward Gottfried) 
New Oxford Review
Two Discontented Catholics: Lord Acton and Michael Harrington," LIV, 2 (1987), 23-25 (on Essays in the History of Liberty by Lord Acton, and Taking Sides: The Education of a Militant Mind by Michael Harrington)  
French Fascism: The First Wave, 1924-1933 by Robert Soucy; LIV, 7 (1987), 26-28 
Newsletter: American Association for the Study of Hungarian History
Literature and Political Change: Budapest, 1908-1918 by Mario D. Fenyo; January 1990 
Philosophy in Review
Sexual Ethics: The Meaning and Foundation of Sexual Morality by Aurel Kolnai (translated and edited by Francis Dunlop); XXVI, 4 (2006), 267-69 
Slavic Review
József Attila válogatott levelezése ("Selected Correspondence of Attila József") edited by Erzsébet Fehér; XXXVII, 2 (1978), 331-32 
Revolutions and Interventions in Hungary and Its Neighbor States, 1918-1919 edited by Peter Pastor; XLIX, 1 (1990), 141-42 
Ferenc Molnar and the Austro-Hungarian 'Fin de Sičcle' by István Várkonyi; LII, 4 (1993), 858-59 (a "Featured Review") 
The Voice from Outside: A Study in the Reception of Georg Brandes in Hungary by Zsuzsanna Bjřrn Andersen; LIV, 3 (1995), 809-10 
The Garden and the Workshop: Disseminating Cultural History in East-Central Europe: In Memoriam Péter Hanák edited by Marius Turda; LIX, 3 (2000), 646-47 
Venice and the Slavs: The Discovery of Dalmatia in the Age of Enlightenment by Larry Wolff; LXI, 2 (2002), 392 (Exchange with Gale Stokes, LXI, 4 [2002], 910-11) 
Identity and the Urban Experience: Fin-de-Sičcle Budapest by Gábor Gyáni; LXV, 1 (2006), 170-71 
Anarchism in Hungary: Theory, History, Legacies by András Bozóki and Miklós Sükösd; LXVI, 1 (2007), 131-32 
Conservative Ideology in the Making by Iván Zoltán Dénes; LXX, 2 (2011), 444-45 
In Search of the Budapest Secession: The Artist Proletariat and Moderism's Rise in the Hungarian Art Market, 1800-1914 by Jeffrey Taylor; LXXIV, 2 (2015), 388-89 
Washington Times
"Civil Society as an Ethical Ideal," September 8, 1992, p. C4 (on The Idea of Civil Society by Adam B. Seligman; reprinted in Insight on the News, VIII, 41 (1992), 23-24) 
"Marxist Takes Honest Look Back," December 1, 1996, p. B7 (on On Voluntary Servitude: False Consciousness and the Theory of Ideology by Michael Rosen) 
"A London Reporter Visits Orthodox Christian Holy Sites and Charges Bias," December 31, 2000, pp. B8-B7 (on Why Angels Fall: A Journey through Orthodox Europe from Byzantium to Kosovo by Victoria Clark) 
"Essays Gathered to Celebrate, Lament Modern Intellectual Rigors," October 6, 2002, pp. B8-B7 (on Lives of the Mind: The Use and Abuse of Intelligence From Hegel to Wodehouse by Roger Kimball) 
"A Portrait of the Teacher as a Writer" in Essays and Reviews by David A. Hallman, Harrisonburg: James Madison University, 1992, pp.3-8 
"W. Bruce Lincoln, 1938-2000," Slavic Review, LX, 1 (2001) 229-30 
"Béla K. Király, 1912-2009," HABSBURG@H-NET.MSU.EDU, August 7, 2009 
Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, XI, 9 (1987), 55 (to Thomas Fleming on cultural conservatism) 
Policy Review, No. 43 (1988), pp. 92-93 (to Paul Gottfried's "Toward a New Fusionism") 
Policy Review, No. 72 (1995), p. 89 (to Joe Loconte's "Lead Us Not into Temptation: A Christian Case Against School Prayer") 
Letter (with Carol Congdon), The Northern Star (Northern Illinois University), LXIX, 60, (1968), 5 
Letter, Daily News-Record (Harrisonburg, VA), March 18, 2013, A4. 
American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia, edited by Bruce Frohnen, Jeremy Beer, and Jeffrey 0. Nelson (Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books, 2006)
"God That Failed, The" 
"Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Erik von" 
"Lukacs, John" 
"Will, George F." 
Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers, edited by Stuart Brown (London: Thoemmes Continuum, 2005)
"Kolnai, Aurel" 
Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism edited by Richard Frucht (New York: Garland Publishing, 2000)
"Balázs, Béla" 
"Mannheim, Károly" 
"Polányi, Károly" 
Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia
"Communist Manifesto" (reprinted in Encarta Encyclopedia and www.historychannel.com) 
"Europe, modern history" ("Early Modern Times-Resistance to U.S. Influence" reprinted in Encarta Encyclopedia) 
"International" (reprinted in Encarta Encyclopedia and www.historychannel.com) 
Harvard University, Ukrainian Institute1977
Lehrman Institute, New York1982
University of Budapest, Department of Philosophy1983
Harvard University, Center of European Studies1984
Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia1985
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary1985
Indiana University, Hungarian Chair1986
Smithsonian Institution1986
University of California/Santa Barbara1986
University of North Carolina, Russian and East European Area Studies/International Programs1986
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary1986
Intercollegiate Studies Institute, New York1987
Indiana University, Hungarian Chair1987
World Affairs Council of Maine1988
University of Southern Maine1988
The (Virginia) Governor's Russian Studies Academy1988
NEH Summer Workshop for Teachers of the Freshman Seminar1989
U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service Institute1989
Elizabethtown College1990
NEH Summer Workshop for Teachers of the Freshman Seminar1990
The George Washington University, Russian and East European Studies Program, with the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State1990
U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service Institute (on two occasions)1990
U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service Institute (on two occasions)1991
University of California/Santa Barbara1991
Michael Polanyi Liberal Philosophical Association, Budapest, Hungary1991
"A Day with Michael Polanyi (In the Person of Lee Congdon)"--Home of David A. Bovenizer, Crozier, VA1991
U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service Institute (on two occasions)1992
Simon Fraser University, Institute for the Humanities1992
Elderhostel, Massanetta Springs, Virginia1993
U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service Institute1993
Rice University1994
U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service Institute1994
Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut, Budapest, Hungary1995
Hollins College1996
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim/Dragvoll, Norway1996
István Széchenyi College for Advanced Studies, Budapest University of Economics, and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Budapest, Hungary1996
Liberty Fund Colloquium ("John Paul II on Liberty and Responsibility"), Indianapolis, Indiana1997
Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Budapest, and Institute of the Vienna Circle (Vienna), Budapest, Hungary1997
Liberty Fund Colloquium ("Jacob Burckhardt: Liberty and the Future of Western Civilization"), Newport, Rhode Island1997
Liberty Fund Colloquium ("The Tragedy and Comedy of Life in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov"), Toronto, Canada1998
Virginia Council for History Education1999
Liberty Fund Colloquium ("Technology and Liberty: The Thought of George Grant"), Savannah, Georgia1999
National Business College, Harrisonburg, Virginia1999
Liberty Fund Colloquium ("Liberty and Responsibility in Jacob Burckhardt's Judgments on History and Historians"), Newport, Rhode Island1999
The Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the City Government of Kecskemét, Kecskemét, Hungary2000
Liberty Fund Colloquium ("The Issue of Freedom in Tolstoy's War and Peace"), Annapolis, Maryland2000
Liberty Fund Colloquium ("Liberty and the Christian View of the Family"), Indianapolis, Indiana2000
The Central European University and the Lajos Batthyány Foundation, Budapest, Hungary2000
Liberty Fund Colloquium ("Anti-Americanism: A Threat to Freedom"), Savannah, Georgia2003
The University of Veszprém, Veszprém, Hungary2005
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Charlottesville, VA2006
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary2006
Academy of Philosophy and Letters2007
Lifelong Learning Institute, James Madison University2007
Lifelong Learning Institute, James Madison University2008
(spring & fall)
H.L. Mencken Club, Linthicum, Maryland2008
Fort Harrison Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, Harrisonburg, Virginia2008
"An Evening with Lee Congdon"-The Commonwealth Club, Richmond, Virginia2009
NC Division of Sons of Confederate Veterans, Raleigh, North Carolina2009
Lifelong Learning Institute, James Madison University, (spring and fall)2009
H.L. Mencken Club, Linthicum, Maryland2009
Office of the Historian, United States Department of State2010
H.L. Mencken Club, Linthicum, Maryland2010
H.L. Mencken Club, Linthicum, Maryland2011
ASEEES Meeting, Washington, DC (discussant)2011
American Historical Association1985
Eastern Sociological Association1992
Southern Conference on Slavic Studies1974
Index | Education | Professional Experience | Grants & Honors | Publications
46 Laurel Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Phone: 540/434-2121

e-mail: congdolw@jmu.edu

In Memory Of
[Bruce Lincoln]
W. Bruce Lincoln
Esteemed Mentor and Friend