It is in changing that things find purpose. —Heraclitus

photo Rev. Thomas Ehrhardt
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis,
sed nomini tuo
da gloriam
"The greatest obstacle to the understanding of the mysteries of the religion of the living Christ, is the very narrow view which we have become accustomed to take of them according to the merely external and superficial interpretation of the Old and New Testaments."
Intro Vitae Writings Pensées Connections
[Under Revision]

My own pilgrimage has been very long and very complicated. For the first half of my life, it had nothing to do with God at all, except to fight against Him. But thunderous conversion experiences occurred along the way that changed everything and set me on a long, long search to understand what the nature of the spiritual center of the human being is really all about, especially my own.

We live in a time when the great religious institutions are failing those who are starving spiritually, except for that ever-dwindling number of believers who still find sufficient nourishment in ancient institutions whose time is passing.

The rise of individualism will ever more strongly demand manifestations of the Way which are more personal and appropriate for the individual — i.e., the Way of a more solitary quest for Christ.

This is a natural extension of the principles and spirit of the Reformation, which was part of the preparation for what is now coming upon us: the growing hunger, conscious or not, for a personal relationship with Christ that is true, fruitful and possible — the need for a deeper yet higher Christology than what most organized religion can provide now — a hunger made more acute when the vivifying connection to the Spirit can no longer be supplied.
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