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Ne'ilah, 5765/2004
© Rabbi Jack Moline

Rabbi Simcha Bunam of P'shis'kha used to say, "Every person should have two pockets. In one, [there should be a note that says] bishvili nivra ha'olam, 'for my sake was the world created.' In the second, [there should be a note that says] anokhi afar va'efer, 'I am dust and ashes.' One must know how to use them, each one in its proper place and right time. For many make the mistake of using them in their opposite applications."

Not everyone has two pockets. And not everyone has pockets at all. But everyone needs to remember these words.

I have something for you. Take one and keep it with you. Use it for your keys. Or use it just for your soul. But remember:

     bishvili nivra ha'olam, 'for my sake was the world created.'

     anokhi afar va'efer, 'I am dust and ashes.'

There is no one like you.

Except everyone.

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