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Prayerbook Vocabulary Studies
Resources for study
March 13, 2007
© Rabbi Jack Moline

Since I have not posted this week (I was away over Shabbat and therefore did not teach in shul), I am passing along some links to sites that can help you find more material from which to learn. Enjoy!
Each day, Rabbi Itzhak Mamorstein adds another word from his sequential explanation of Torah, including scholarly commentaries and mystical insights.
Rabbi Modechai Torczyner runs a site that has organized Talmudic discussions of ideas thematically. This site will direct you to the location in the Talmud, but does not provide the text itself.
Rabbi Jonathan Mishkin has prepared an alphabetical listing and brief description of all the characters in the Bible. The descriptions are in English, but all names and citations are in Hebrew.
The Hebrew University's Jewish National Library maintains this HEBREW site with access to the Mishnah and the Babylonian Talmud.
Our former member and current cantorial student Ellie Wackerman maintains the definitive on-line resource for learning trope to read Torah, haftarah and megillot.
I love this site. It is a blog by "Dave," a native English speaker, who muses on random Hebrew words out of a love for the language. The explanations are great (and not just because he quotes me on "chaval"), but even better are the sources in each short essay and the links to other resources on each page.
My friend and colleague Rabbi Barry Dov Lerner won a huge settlement in a lawsuit and now devotes himself to a self-funded site that includes tons of resources for preparing and observing the Jewish holidays. Everything is user-friendly and free, and Rabbi Lerner will write back to you if you have any questions.

Three of the many resources from our own movement's web sites.

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