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Points of View
Summer Writing
My Point of View--Jul 08, 2003
© Rabbi Jack Moline

Somewhat later than usual, I want to sound the call for contributions to our annual reflection booklet for the High Holy Days. We have been blessed with some wonderful contributions over the years. They continue to inspire me long after the Days of Awe have concluded. I invite you to be among our contributors.

We will include anything appropriate of reasonable length. And here’s reasonable by my definition: half a page, single spaced. (If it’s longer, I may need to edit for space.) If you can submit it on a disk or by e-mail (, all the better.

As for what’s appropriate, I hesitate to limit you. We have received such wonderful offerings over the years. I do know that some of you who are otherwise reticent to write are inspired to commit your words to print by the kernel of an idea.

So consider this notion:

You have a verse, a passage, a phrase or a quotation which has inspired you. What is it? What has it provoked that is so meaningful to you?

Perhaps it is from the machzor or prayer book. I am always moved by God’s love for us when we plead, in Avinu Malkeinu, “be charitable and kind to us, for we are empty of worth.”

Perhaps it is from the Bible. I find the assertion of the Psalmist that God “numbers the stars, calling each by name” to be an antidote for loneliness.

Perhaps it is from a wise man. Horace Mann’s charge to the first graduates of Antioch College was “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” Once I heard it, I never forgot it – and use it to renew my own sense of mission.

Or perhaps it is from popular culture. I have often quoted the mysterious Manny Farber who said, “...context...” It reminds me that less is often more.

Our deadline in August 18. Earlier submissions will be gratefully received. We won’t be quite as grateful for late submissions.

Have a great summer.

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